
Manyar Sabrangan Bazaar

Hello everone, now I will give report about Manyar Sabrangan Bazaar.
This bazaar was held on 28-29 May, along in Manyar Sabrangan road. It's always full with visitors and always noisy, the sound come from the DVD seller that sound it very loud, but when Adzan is come they stop it. Because it held in front of our house, so even we (me and my wife) don't want it, we have to go through this bazaar to get to the house, and it's not bad to try some food here. It sell any goods and foods, traditional and modern.

There is odong-odong (mini train), you just have to pay Rp 3000 to play it, and because it's small, so you just can put your child to it.

There is "throw the ring" game, you just have to pay Rp 1000, and you get 10 ring that you should throw into some triangle with number on it. And if you can put the ring, you can have a beverage, according to the number you can put.

There is a ring seller, that sell any ring and stone that have some magic (do you believe it? I'm not, hhe).

There is a DVD seller, it sell almost about Dangdut (Indonesian music, the most popular now is Tegar and Sagita) and film for children (like Ultraman, Naruto, Power Rangers, etc).

There are some traditional food, kind of Sego Jagung, Sego Urap, Ikan Bakar, Lontong Kikil, Lupis, Dawet, Rujak, and Indomie (this is one of legendary food of Indonesia since 1970).

There is a video game rental, this is just like a game watch but now not just Tetris game, I see some good 2D games there (wow, what a good development, at least we not just see Tetris game). And you just have to pay Rp 500 to play it, want to try?

And there are still many other foods and goods that you found here, with a cheap price and traditional taste. Beside this event can increase their income, the people in Manyar Sabrangan and surround it was looks really happy and it's funny. I hope this event will always continue to held periodically.


  1. Wow, the way you mixed image is awesome Mas!
    What technique it called?

    I don't know any place like this in Suroboyo..

    1. I call it "TSJG Style", hha
      I think, each village should hold events like this, so the peoples didn't get bored
      and it's fun, really fun

  2. Anonymous1/8/13 05:53

    i think "mie sedap" is favorite food of indonesian people, not traditional food :D

    1. it refers to indonesian traditional favorite food :p
